Monday, April 12, 2010

Supporting local artists

Most mainstream radio stations play the standard, top 40 Billboard hits by bands and artists known all over the country or the world. That's the way it's been since radio began and in my opinion it hasn't changed much at all. Now with college stations and internet radio stations like there is hope for the local indie artists. On my free-form radio show "What's It Called?" the slogan is "We play everything". Not only do we play the popular new songs that dominate the charts but we also mix in music by local artists from the NY/NJ/PA area as well, and a lot of it is just as good as the stuff you hear on regular radio, if not better. At we have a local artists CD rack and many of the DJ's at the station will play tracks from those CD's, giving them the airtime they want and deserve since regular radio wont play them. I'm a big supporter of new indie artists and their music and I've interviewed quite of few of them on my radio show.

Jazz/pop singer /songwriter Melissa Nadel is one of those local artists that I've interviewed. Her debut CD What Matters has a fresh, breezy sound, filled with jazzy pop tunes played by some great musicians, and Melissa has a unique voice (unlike so many female singers who all sound the same to me). On my show I like to follow up on the people I've interviewed to find what current project they're involved in or where they will playing locally. I'll be giving her a call during tonight's broadcast and playing a few tracks from her CD, including a live performance when she was on our show back in June of 2007. Check out her webpage

Click on the link below to hear the podcast of our interview with Melissa Nadel on