Monday, March 1, 2010

The Three Degrees Youngest Member - Viki Wallace

When Will I See You Again? A familiar line to a familiar song, a big hit in the 70's by the legendary group The Three Degrees. I bet you're singing it right now. Catchy songs have a way of doing that along with the memories attached to it the first time you heard it. The youngest member of the group Viki Wallace will be interviewed on our radio show "What's It Called?" on our first show in the month of March. Getting the interview was easy...I met her manager at a networking group. When I mentioned to the group that I hosted an internet radio show he immediately gave me his business card which read: Nick Chams-Manager for Viki Wallace, World Renowned Recording Artist/Songwriter. I of course took his card and asked when she was available to be interviewed. It was that simple. During the show which broadcasts from 7pm to 9:30pm we'll be playing songs by The Three Degrees as well as some solo work by Viki who has had many musical influences as a child growing up in Grant Town, West Viginia. She recalls being exposed to all genres of music, from classical to country to rhythm and blues.
She sounds like my kind of girl, someone who appreciates many styles of music.
I hope you can tune in Monday night for some great stories & music.
Photo: L-R Viki Wallace, Valarie Holiday, Helen Scott

1 comment:

  1. Miss Wallace used the 3 Degrees as a stepping stone to further her career, until she had an affair with Helen Scott's husband Derick, so was sacked! She also stood in as a Sister Sledge on the same bill as the 3 Degrees and snubbed them, but! the biggest snub was when she joined the 3 Degrees ex-managers "Authentic 3 Degrees" (who didn't last very long)
