Friday, January 29, 2010

Earth Minor Performs Live

Members of the electronic rock band Earth Minor perform live on our Feb 1st show. These guys remind me of my favorite German electro pop band Kraftwerk, and a few other UK pop bands of the 80's. This one's my sidekick Bob's discovery since he occasionally plays dueling pianos with the keyboard player of the band at a local NJ bar. I'm always interested in bands that combine various styles of music and instruments to create a different sound. I remember hearing a story about Ian Andersen of Jethro Tull being told to play in the back of the band because they thought the flute was not a rock instrument. And some music exec told the Beatles that bands with guitars are on there way out. Folks, when it comes to music, do what sounds right to you and dont let fashion or industry people dictate the direction of music. Photo: Members of Earth Minor
Check out our podcast interview with Christian rock singer/songwriter Chris Dickson on

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